воскресенье, 21 апреля 2024 г.

4D-tetraquark is carrier of fifth Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI)


Leonov Vladimir

Апрель 2024

For citation:

V.S. Leonov. 4D-tetraquark is carrier of fifth Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI). – Preprint: ResearchGate, April 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16587.20007


Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI) as the fifth Superforce of nature was discovered by me in the theory of Elastic Quantized Space (EQS) in 1996. 4D-tetraquark is carrier of fifth Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI). 4D-tetraquark is the carrier of the fifth Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI). 4D-tetraquark is a new quark particle previously unknown to science, which includes four integer quarks (antiquarks): two electric ±е and two magnetic ±g. The cosmic vacuum has a high-energy quark structure consisting of 4D-tetraquarks that participate in all fundamental interactions. Everything is born from a vacuum and everything disintegrates in it. Nature only needed four quarks, two of which are antiquarks, to create the Universe. Now nature has five fundamental interactions: 1) Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI) – the fifth Superpower that unites all the forces of nature from a unified position; 2) Strong interaction which is responsible for nuclear forces; 3) Electroweak interaction which is responsible for interaction involving neutrinos; 4) Electromagnetic interaction which corresponds to electromagnetic processes in nature; 5) Gravitational interaction which is responsible for gravity.

23 pages, 9 figures

Key word: fifth force of nature, Superforce, Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction, 4D-tetraquark, Maxwell, Einstein, electromagnetic wave, luminiferous medium.


1. Introduction

2. Maxwell’s electromagnetic ether is a luminiferous medium

3. Analysis of a plane electromagnetic Maxwell wave in vacuum

4. Falsification of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light

5. Wave equations of a plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum

6. Wave equations of a plane electromagnetic wave in a gravitational field

7. Wave equations of a plane electromagnetic wave in a dynamic gravitational field

8. 4D-tetraquark is a carrier of the luminiferous medium and the fifth Superpower

9. Electromagnetic polarization of vacuum and derivation of Maxwell’s equations

10. Conclusion



суббота, 13 апреля 2024 г.

4D-tetraquark is carrier of Fifth Superforce of nature

Leonov Vladimir

April 2024

For citation:

V.S. Leonov. 4D-tetraquark is carrier of Fifth Superforce of nature. Preprint: ResearchGate, April 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11309.09445


4D-tetraquark is the carrier of the fifth Superforce of nature in the form of the Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI), which was discovered in 1996. 4D-tetraquark has a colossal density of electromagnetic energy accumulated inside 4D-tetraquark and quantized space-time consisting of 4D-tetraquarks. 4D-tetraquark cannot be a free particle since it is tied up inside the fabric of quantized space-time which we perceive as the vacuum of space. Hungarian physicists, CERN and Fermilab were looking for a free particle as the carrier of the fifth force of nature. This was their methodological error which led to the failure of their experiments.

17 pages, 8 figures

Key word: fifth force of nature, Superforce, 4D-tetraquark, Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI), theory of Superunification, physicist Leonov, Hungarian physicists, CERN, Fermilab.


1. Introduction

2. Four integer quarks (antiquarks) are the basis of the Universe

3. 4D-tetraquark is the carrier of the fifth Superforce

4. Fifth Superforce is the basis of the quantum theory of Superunification

as a new physics

5. Physicists have discovered a fifth force 20 years after its discovery

6. Conclusion





понедельник, 8 апреля 2024 г.

Identification Criteria for the Fifth Force of Nature


Leonov Vladimir

April 2024

For citation:

V.S. Leonov. Identification Criteria for the Fifth Force of Nature Preprint: ResearchGate, April 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21080.51207


The fifth force (Superforce) of nature was discovered in 1996 [1, 2]. The fifth force is called the Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI) [3, 6]. Now physics has five fundamental interactions: 1) Superstrong electromagnetic interaction; 2) Strong (nuclear) interaction; 3) Electroweak interaction; 4) Electromagnetic interaction; 5) Gravitational interaction. The carrier of the Superstrong electromagnetic interaction is a space-time quantum (quanton) in the form of 4D-tetraquark consisting of four integer electric and magnetic quarks and antiquarks. The Fifth Superforce is the basis of the quantum theory of Superunification, which unifies strong, electroweak, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions from a unified position [6]. The new 4D-tetraquark particle is the source of energy of the Big Bang [20], which is a criterion for identifying the Fifth Superforce [3]. There were unsuccessful attempts to rediscover the fifth force of nature by Hungarian physicists, CERN and Fermilab [11-18]. But their studies of the γ-decay reaction or the annihilation of particles and antiparticles do not meet the criteria for identifying the fifth force of nature as a Superforce [3].

8 pages.

Key word: fifth force of nature, Superforce, 4D-tetraquark, Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI), theory of Superunification, physicist Leonov, Hungarian physicists, CERN, Fermilab.


1. Introduction

2. Ten Identification Criteria for the Fifth Force of Nature

3. Physicists have discovered a fifth force 20 years after its discovery

4. Conclusion
